Our Services

Recruitment Service

We recruit on behalf of top local and foreign companies. Contact us today for more information.

Staffing Services

A staffing agency is an entity that has employees that can be hired out for temporary or long-term work.

Banking Staff

While you may be most familiar with the tellers and customer service representatives at your own financial institution

Security Staff

Security Guards' duties often include securing premises and personnel by patrolling the property.

Calling Staff

contracting a specific work process or processes to an external service provider.

Field Staff

the field staff is the manufacturer's representative, also known as detail persons.

Office Staff

The front office staff is often the first, and sometimes the last, person your patients talk to.


Management is the coordination and administration of tasks to achieve a goal.

Marketing Staff

Contribute in the implementation of marketing strategies.

Project Operating Staff

The projects must be approved by the Foundation's Executive Team for operation with an approved budget.